Should I Move Mom?
Understand the options and build confidence in helping an older loved one to move to a retirement community or stay at home.
Changes in the health or memory of an older loved one often causes family to worry and gives you a lot of think about. It's also normal to feel overwhelmed and unsure about the best path forward. Perhaps your parents are resistant to your offers to help. Or mom refuses to move, insisting she's OK just where she is, but you feel otherwise.
What do you do? Where do you begin? How best to approach your older loved one to successfully partner on accessing the risks and benefits of a retirement community versus living at home?
This free mini-course will give you a solid foundation of understanding of the complex landscape of resistance, options and what you need to consider for your own unique family situation.
Feeling guilty because you think you should be doing more?
Then this course is for you!
Welcome: Worrying about your parents?
"I will never move!" Let’s explore some common reasons they might be digging in their heels.
Resource: Can freedom and safety co-exist?
Home Sweet home? Being at home isn't all it’s cracked up to be.
Is the grass greener? Let’s explore the benefits that retirement communities offer
Now what? 4 steps to understanding options, risks and benefits of each.
Resources for Families
Lisa Mayfield